Boy Scouts
Boy Scout Troop 173 has been continuously registered with St. Paul’s UMC for over 50 years. Our Troop meets every week except a few holidays and even then we may be out camping, canoeing, hiking, or cycling. The Boy Scouts are for all boys aged 10 1/2 through 18 years old. If you know a youth who would be interested in joining, or an adult (men and women) ready to commit to the development of young men please attend one of our meetings. Troop meetings are held every Tuesday at 7:00 pm, at the Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church – Fellowship Hall, 225 West Griggs Avenue, Las Cruces.
Troop 173 recognizes and appreciates the commitment St. Paul’s makes as the Troop’s chartered organization. The church provides leadership, the facility, and supplemental insurance to Troop 173. Even though we receive much appreciated donations from church members, the Troop requires no budget from St. Paul’s as we organize our own fund raising for Troop activities.
Our Scouts will have life long memories from their monthly campouts, hikes, and annual high adventure camps, though they learn so much more. At the core of all activities is the requirement to believe in God. There are life skills like, first aid, personal fitness, cooking, and personal management. All of these components are combined to teach the boys to become leaders in their personal lives, leaders in the groups they are involved, and leaders in our community and nation. It is truly an organization helping develop our youth that can’t taught anywhere else.