Weekly Children's Events
Nursery for children ages 0-5 years old offered during both services.
Sunday School for preschool to 6th grade, 9:30-10:15 am., every Sunday.
Kids4Christ Choir, Kinder through 5th grade, every Wednesday 6-6:45 pm.
Cherub Choir, ages 3-5, every Wednesday 6:00-6:30 pm.
Parent’s Night Out, every Wednesday 5:30-7:30 pm . FREE 6 mos and up!
Choir and Parent's Night Out resume September 8th., 2021.
Covid-19 Updates
All children's events and activities have resumed following Covid Safe Guidelines. Childcare workers have been vaccinated and all adults and children are required to wear masks in the children's areas.

Every month, our children’s ministry hosts a themed fun night for kids from 18 months up through 5th grade. Parents can drop off kids in a safe, supervised environment and have a date night or night off to relax! We provide a snack, craft, games, outdoor play, and end the night with a movie. The cost is only $10 per child.
August 13th, 5:30-8:30 pm. Wild West Night
September 17th, 5:30-8:30 pm. Splash Party (Wear your swim gear!)
October 15th, 5:30-8:30 pm. STEM Challenge Night
November 12th, 5:30-8:30 pm. The Great Escape
December 10th, 5:30-8:30 pm. Movie Night